
 Elocution Holiday Homework
Week 1 Activity - Don the hat of a Chef!
-Salad Platter
Be a master chef at home!
Tips to do the activity
1.        DO NOT cut the salad yourself. 
2.      Request your mother or father to cut the same for you. 
3.      Don the hat of a chef and present and decorate your Salad Platter using cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, lemon slices, etc. 
4.      Present in 7-8 sentences the benefits of healthy eating!
5.      Request your parents to record the same if you wish!

Week 2 Activity -Wonders of the World- Facts!

Tips to do the activity
1.        Write any 5-7 facts about the famous Seven Wonders of the World.  
2.      You may refer to some general knowledge books.
3.      You may also take help from your parents in finding out these fun facts from the internet.
4.      Now it’s time for you to present these fun facts about the Wonders of the World to your family members.
5.      You may use small props or drawings for this activity as well.
6.      Request your parents to record the same if you wish!

Week 3 Activity -Measure and treasure!
Setting a Shop! - Role Play Activity 
Tips to do the activity
1.        Go around your house and your kitchen to look for cartons/boxes/tins/ bottles/tetra packs/pouch packs etc. of various things commonly found at home.
2.      Set up your own shop and prepare a short presentation of what items are there in your shop. 
3.      It’s time to invite your family members as customers to buy the different products.
4.      You may use paper slips as currency notes. 
5.      Use special offers/discounts etc. to attract customers.
6.      Request your parents to record the same if you wish!

Week 4 Activity -Time to Advertise! 
Select any daily use product of your choice. It could be a tooth paste, shoe, pack of chips, watch or toy!
Make a short advertisement to advertise your product.
Tips to do the activity
1.        Choose an interesting product.
2.      Think of an interesting name for your product.
3.      Write a small jingle/ rhyme to talk about your product.
4.      Remember to talk about the advantages of using your product and mention the cost. 

Week 5 Activity  - Reader's Theatre with your Mother!

Tips to do the activity
1.        Click on the link above to watch an E-Story Book. It is an interesting story about a frog who doesn’t want to be a frog!
2.      Sit with your mother and read aloud the dialogues of the frog and let your mother read aloud the dialogues of the frog’s mother.
3.      Remember to modulate your voice and expressions. 
4.      Have fun!
5.      Request your father to record the same if you wish. 

Note: Click on the link below to hear a 

sample reader’s theatre version   :

For the parents
Dear Parents,
1. Encourage and assist your child to engage in and enjoy the elocution homework activities. 

2. Please share if possible short recordings of the activities on my official email-id.

Topic – Shoot out to the Galaxy! -
Speech Activity and Poem Recitation

Learning Outcomes-
The learner will be able to 
# present a short speech about the topic 
    ‘If I could be an astronaut!’

# recite a poem with actions

Good Morning dear students,

It’s time to ride on the plane of imagination!
So let’s begin with

‘Quiet Thinking Time’

Close your eyes and imagine that you are an ASTRONAUT…!
·      What would you do?
·      Where would you go?
·      Which planet would you like to visit?
·      What do you think you will see and do on that planet?

Share the same with your parents. 

Creative Imagination Speech Activity

-If I could be an astronaut!
Prepare a short speech of 7-8 sentences and present it in front of your family members using a simple prop of your choice.
Remember to speak clearly and loudly.

Time to recite

Click on the video below in my voice

I hope you enjoyed listening to my poem.
Learn the poem with actions in the holidays.

Notebook Work:

Write down the speech you presented above, in your elocution notebook and make a related drawing on the blank page.

For the parents

Dear Parents,

1. Encourage your child to prepare and present the speech activity. 
2. Please make a short recording of the speech activity and the poem recitation with actions and mail it to my official email-id.


Learning Outcomes-

The learners will be able to

# know and understand 
- the meaning of Elocution.
- what we will learn in Elocution.   
- what is important for Elocution.
# enact a short Role Play. 

Good Morning dear students,

How are you all today?
Hope you are fine and keeping safe.

This week we will learn about ELOCUTION.
What is Elocution?
What comes to your mind when you read the word “Elocution”?

I have recorded a video in my voice for all of you!
Click below.

I hope you all know now what we will learn in the Elocution periods.
So remember all that I told you about

We will have fun learning together.
Don't  forget...
Today's task to be done in the Elocution Copy is as follows.

Fun Activity-Role Play

- Choose your favourite animal and modulate your voice to introduce that animal in a short role play in 4-5 sentences for your family members.

For the parents
Dear Parents,

1. Help your child do the work in the Elocution notebook. 
2. Kindly encourage your child to revise the content of my video.
3. You may make a short recording of the Fun Activity(role play) and mail me the same on my official email id.

Topic – Speech Activity and Story Time  

Learning Outcome-
The learner will be able to
# prepare a short 'Thank You'speech for his mother using Prep-Cards.       
# write the same in the notebook .
# enjoy listening to a story and learning the word meanings.

 Good Morning dear students,

How are you all today?

Mother’s are special ! Yes they are. Do you know Mother’s Day is around the corner? It’s celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month of May and that is on the 10th of May this year.     
Time to speak- Speech Activity 
Preparation Time- 5 Minutes
Speech Presentation- 1 Minute
’Thank You’ Message for my MOTHER
Step 1. Read the Speech Prep-Cards.

Step 2. Think about what you want to tell your mother using these cards to make her feel special for all that she does.
Step 3. Prepare a short ’Thank You’ message for her.
Step 4. Get ready to speak with a big SMILE.    
I hope your mother likes your speech.

Notebook Task - Time to colour and write.
Stick or draw your mother’s picture    
and write your speech message in your Elocution Notebook. Given below is a sample of Notebook work. You may decorate it as you like.
Story time
I shall leave you with an interesting story about a dinosaur who is looking for his mother.
Click the link below. 

For the parents
Dear Parents,
Kindly take the elocution activities as fun times with your children to relax and unwind. They can be done at any time in the week.
1. Encourage your child do the work/speech activity. 
2. Please make a short recording of the speech activity.
3. In case you don't have the Elocution notebook then the child may use a loose sheet of paper which can be stuck in the Elocution notebook later.
4. Kindly preserve all the work neatly in a folder (date wise), if you do not have the copy as yet. 
5. Please write the name and class of your child in the comments section.