
Topic – Speech Activity and Story Time  

Learning Outcome-
The learner will be able to
# prepare a short 'Thank You'speech for his mother using Prep-Cards.       
# write the same in the notebook .
# enjoy listening to a story and learning the word meanings.

 Good Morning dear students,

How are you all today?

Mother’s are special ! Yes they are. Do you know Mother’s Day is around the corner? It’s celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month of May and that is on the 10th of May this year.     
Time to speak- Speech Activity 
Preparation Time- 5 Minutes
Speech Presentation- 1 Minute
’Thank You’ Message for my MOTHER
Step 1. Read the Speech Prep-Cards.

Step 2. Think about what you want to tell your mother using these cards to make her feel special for all that she does.
Step 3. Prepare a short ’Thank You’ message for her.
Step 4. Get ready to speak with a big SMILE.    
I hope your mother likes your speech.

Notebook Task - Time to colour and write.
Stick or draw your mother’s picture    
and write your speech message in your Elocution Notebook. Given below is a sample of Notebook work. You may decorate it as you like.
Story time
I shall leave you with an interesting story about a dinosaur who is looking for his mother.
Click the link below. 

For the parents
Dear Parents,
Kindly take the elocution activities as fun times with your children to relax and unwind. They can be done at any time in the week.
1. Encourage your child do the work/speech activity. 
2. Please make a short recording of the speech activity.
3. In case you don't have the Elocution notebook then the child may use a loose sheet of paper which can be stuck in the Elocution notebook later.
4. Kindly preserve all the work neatly in a folder (date wise), if you do not have the copy as yet. 
5. Please write the name and class of your child in the comments section.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 241 of 241   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Yes ma'am
    Harshit 3-D Roll no,1

  1. Yes ma'am
    Harshit 3D Roll no,1

  1. Priyansh Singh

  1. Obed masih 3A

  1. Pradhyumn Dubey 3-A

  1. Pradhyumn Dubey 3-A

  1. Pradhyumn Dubey 3-A

  1. Pradhyumn Dubey 3-A

  1. Ali mokhdoomi
    Class 3D

  1. Alvin aby Varghese

  1. Good noon ma'am Prayan Dubey
    3A Roll no 15

  1. Good Afternoon Ma'am
    Harshit Benbanshi
    Class- 3A
    Roll no : 7

  1. Ashutosh Raj
    3-D, roll no. 32

  1. Yes Ma'am
    Punya Rawal

  1. Ephraim Amit Thomas
    Roll no.47

  1. Good morning mam
    Samarth prasad

    3 A

  1. Good afternoon ma'am Prajwal Gaur class 3A
    Roll no 16 tysm ma'am 🙂

  1. Thank you Maam
    Jerome T Abraham
    Class 3-D, Roll no 4

  1. Thank you Maam
    Jerome T Abraham
    Class 3-D, Roll no 4

  1. Good afternoon Ma'am
    Roll No. 3

  1. Sarvesh Class 3-D

  1. Ojas Sahañi
    3 D

  1. Akshaj Singal
    Class 3A
    Roll no. 44

  1. Akshaj Singal
    Class 3A
    Roll no. 44

  1. Akshaj Singal
    Class 3A
    Roll no. 44

  1. Gin Lunsang Ngaihte
    Class 3 D
    Roll No 28


  1. Pratyush Bhat 3D

  1. Jayden khaling 3D

  1. Jayden khaling 3D

  1. Swastik Sharma
    3 A

  1. Pradhyumn Dubey

  1. Ali mokhdoomi
    Class 3D
    Roll no 24

  1. Priyansh Singh

  1. Ali mokhdoomi
    Class 3D
    Roll no 24

  1. austin mahapatra 3A

  1. Priyansh Singh

  1. Manni sode3A

  1. Abraham Massey 3c

  1. Jones jose3D

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