
Topic – Shoot out to the Galaxy! -
Speech Activity and Poem Recitation

Learning Outcomes-
The learner will be able to 
# present a short speech about the topic 
    ‘If I could be an astronaut!’

# recite a poem with actions

Good Morning dear students,

It’s time to ride on the plane of imagination!
So let’s begin with

‘Quiet Thinking Time’

Close your eyes and imagine that you are an ASTRONAUT…!
·      What would you do?
·      Where would you go?
·      Which planet would you like to visit?
·      What do you think you will see and do on that planet?

Share the same with your parents. 

Creative Imagination Speech Activity

-If I could be an astronaut!
Prepare a short speech of 7-8 sentences and present it in front of your family members using a simple prop of your choice.
Remember to speak clearly and loudly.

Time to recite

Click on the video below in my voice

I hope you enjoyed listening to my poem.
Learn the poem with actions in the holidays.

Notebook Work:

Write down the speech you presented above, in your elocution notebook and make a related drawing on the blank page.

For the parents

Dear Parents,

1. Encourage your child to prepare and present the speech activity. 
2. Please make a short recording of the speech activity and the poem recitation with actions and mail it to my official email-id.


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  1. Good morning ma'am Nachiketa Dwivedi 3D roll no.10


  1. Aibel Vinil Sebastian

  1. david ginlienlal 3A roll no 1

  1. Aarav ghaghat 3A Roll No 17

  1. Aarav ghaghat 3A Roll No 17

  1. Good morning ma'am,
    Norwin gurung, 3 D, roll no 14.

  1. Yes mam Alex Gomes 3d 13

  1. Gin Lunsang Ngaihte
    Class 3 D
    Roll No 28

  1. Samarth Mathayas
    Class 3D
    Roll no 22

  1. Samarth Mathayas
    Class 3D
    Roll no 22

  1. Good morning ma'am Prajwal Gaur class 3A roll no 16 tysm ma'am 🙂

  1. Good morning ma'am Prajwal Gaur class 3A roll no 16 tysm ma'am 🙂

  1. Good Afternoon Ma'am
    Harshit Benbanshi
    Class- 3A
    Roll no : 7

  1. Yes shourya class 3D

  1. Good noon ma'am Prayan Dubey

  1. Good afternoon ma'am
    Hardik Rose 3D

  1. Himank Sodhi, 3D
    Roll no.44

  1. Ashutosh Raj
    3-D, roll no. 32

  1. Ken Eappen Philip

  1. Class 3A
    Kunga Gyaltsen
    Roll No.19

  1. Good morning
    Aayu Patel
    Roll. No-35

  1. Arthur Thian Muan class 3 D RollNo 26

  1. Ali mokhdoomi
    Class 3D
    Roll no 24

  1. Levei Alvin 3A
    Roll No.6

    Class 3 A

  1. Yashvardhan chaudhry

  1. Pradhyumn Dubey

  1. Kartikay Mehta
    Class 3A
    Roll no 30

  1. Sanjeev Kumar Class 3 D

  1. Sanjeev Kumar Class 3 D

  1. Aditya Karnish. 3-A

  1. Manni sode 3A

  1. Arnav/3D/46

  1. Jones jose3D

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